Shopping on BRJStyle is nothing like any other platform you have experienced, therefore rest assured your orders shall be promptly delivered and handled with the most care you can think about.
Our logistics management operations consist of global Logistic partners with strong compliance to professionalism.
Embracing high-tech data management and real time parcel tracking technologies to ensure you stay in touch with your purchase
We employ Chartered Cargo, Freight and Trucking logistics services to facilitate the distribution and delivery of all purchases.
Logistics cost is imposed for majority of the products on BRJStyle platform with exception to items marked as free shipping.
However there are items that are also listed as Free deliveries or shipping, in this instance the items after being bought shall be shipped to your destination. However, any duty charges imposed by customs shall be incurred by the customer
With a global warehouse presence in over 10 countries, your purchases is guaranteed to arrive at a more predictable time, from order to delivery.
Though there are times of uncontrollable natural occurrences such as earthquakes, Typhoons and heavy snowstorms. In this instance, we shall do our utmost to ensure safety of personnel is paramount. Afterwards our priority shall be to ensure your orders
are delivered intact.
Our warehouses are conveniently located in USA, Dubai, China, Brazil, Netherlands, Russia, Kenya, Nigeria and Mexico
We are sorry, we currently do not ship to the following countries for now Syria, Afganistan, Yemen, North Korea and Somalia
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